Monday, 6 May 2013

Update - Don't know how many days now enough I guess

Some people have sent me some private messages asking how the big blue wonder is doing. The answer is fantastic!! I couldn't be more over the moon happy with his results that he's had on the cyclosporine. Since it has been spring time, he's been able to spend his days wondering outside in the back yard without being extremely itchy. In the past we've limited his outdoor exposure as it would send his whole body into hive mode, he would swell all over, turn bright red and all shades of pink and itch so much he would sit and master the double leg itching, it was something to watch, and will soon just be a distant  memory. With the spring and pollens around he has had some minor flares but nothing a few Benadryl hasn't been able to solve.

This past Saturday we went back to go and see Dr. Johner at Northwest Veterinary Clinic to get his Thyroid levels rechecked along with another Chem Screen to make sure that his kidneys or liver didn't have a fit when we reduced his thyroid medication. Clean report on both counts, all within normal ranges. He also had a rather large skin tag removed, and like the good boy that he was just stayed on his side for the freezing and then the electocautery to burn it off. I tell ya this boy simply amazes people on a daily basis on just how well he can behave at times (well at least these times are in public and he doesn't make me look like an ass and embarrass myself, he saves those stubborn ass moments to have in the privacy of his/our home.)

The true joy - a dog and his horking pig.

My handsome boy's lovely face!

This would have been amazing if only I didn't chop his ears off. 

I just can't get enough of his happy expressions that he's been offering. Gone is that face of MOM I'M ITCHY!!

Apparently, according to some people Sidney's been feeling left out of the whole blog experience. She also came along for a vet visit this past weekend as she's had quite the limp. This past week she's been affectionately (well ok ok you have me, I'm relishing in giving her a nickname) known as "The Gimp with a Limp" At the vet's office we found that her arthritis has progressed quite a bit in her elbow and has spread to the other joints in her right front leg due to the way that she's been walking on it over the years. I should preface that when she was 3 months old she fell and had a spiral oblique fracture to her humerus bone, after complicated healing due to her not coming from the most ideal situation (AKA our Crack house dog) and lacking the proper nutrition from the very beginning, the pin that was used to hold her leg together had slipped through her elbow joint. After it had been removed, the joint ended up fusing itself so her range of motion is only a few degrees in her elbow but she's gotten around just fine (as some of her other guest blog appearances you've seen her jumping and running around like a 2 year old when in fact she is just over 8 years old). So she's got a new prescription for Rimadyl for her achey days when she limps just to help her out a little. My wee pocket boxer weighing in at only a mere 38lbs. 

I also want to mention, recently a friend of mine has lost her big blue boy to dilated cardiomyopathy . His history is unclear of where exactly he came from but for some reason (likely the strong resemblance to Festus) I felt some connection to him and really sympathized with his owner. Hopefully she can find some peace knowing that even in the short time that she had him that he was loved more than words can even say, and she did the most unselfish thing that she could have done for him, and that was to say goodbye. I guess the point of this rambling, is that even though these big guys seem invincible, they are like a delicate flower and you should cherish each and every single moment that you have with them because you never know when their time will be and what lessons they have to teach you. RIP Titan, God speed.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Day Eighty-Four

Well, today is officially day Eighty-Four of Festus being on Cyclosporine. He went to the vet's office on Saturday March 2nd and got well you guessed it a clean bill of health. Well, except for that pesky thyroid that we thought we had under control but now he is in the hyperthyroid range, which is as simple as decreasing his dose. So over the next two months he is going to be decreased from 2.5mg BID of the Soloxine to 1.5mg BID of the soloxine. Roughly by half dose which is fine by me and then we'll recheck him again on May 4th to see how he is doing on that dose and then have another quick peek at his kidney and liver values to make sure they are still in the green ranges.

Here we are waiting at the vet for the blood results. Shortly after this he decided to take a nap.... I seriously love how unphased Festus is when he is at the vet. He just wants to be loved on by the vet and his daughters. This summer we hope to start taking him to the extended care homes to go and visit the elderly and bring some of that big Festus lovin and cheer to them. I'm sure he would enjoy it as would they. He is perfect bed height for them no bending for them (or jumping on his part) would be involved.

I know the bloodwork attached is quite small but all the green dots mean good!! He was a little low in his lymphocites, little high globulin, borderline plateletes (he was 199 instead of 200) so all totally acceptable ranges which put a huge smile on my face as the cyclosporine isn't totally destroying his innards while keeping his skin healthy looking and having my boy not itch.
If you look in the right hand corner of the photo, notice the kitty... that is NOT his kitty. But if you look at him and all his beautiful (he would like me to say handsome) blue hair it is just simply amazing!!
I also have to give a big shout out to Dr. Kim Johner at Northwest Veterinary Clinic in Blaine, WA. Without you and your staff (Festus says your daughters as well) he wouldn't be where he is now. So Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  

Friday, 15 February 2013

Day Sixty-Seven

WOWZERS! Seriously this has been a miracle drug for Festus. I can't get over the improvement that he has made while on the Cyclosporine. Seriously he is like a brand new dog. Hair, luxurious hair everywhere on him!! No scabs, no itching, no inflamed skin, no stink. I can walk in my house without being over powered by the smell that once was Festus. 

I do want to take a small break from our regular scheduled programming of me updating his progress to talk about something that is both near and dear to my heart. The GDCA is asking for DNA samples from danes (other dogs can participate as well but my mission is to get more research on genetic markers for danes as having one with a ton of health problems makes them extra special to me). The main objectives are as follows:
  • Facilitate more rapid research progress by expediting the sample collection process
  • Provide researchers with optimized family groups needed for research
  • Allow breeders to take advantage of future DNA based disease tests as they become available
  • Foster a team environment between breeders/owners and the research community improving the likelihood of genetic discovery
To get your dog's DNA profile listed go to this website:

I personally did the cheek swab for Festus, super simple, make sure they haven't had anything to eat, and stick some toothbrush/q-tip looking thing in their mouth rub around on their cheeks (super simple with a dane) and put back into the package. Literally a 2 year old could do this, there is NOTHING complicated about it. Send the sample back with $5 yes you read that right only $5 to get their DNA profiled and have the possibility of helping thousands of future danes/dogs become healthier moving forward. And if you go to this link you'll get to see Festus' results published. His registered name through AKC is Victory's Dynasty After Eight.  The other nice thing about this DNA profiling is that it links it then to their parents and siblings if they've had any DNA testing done as well, then you can see their lineage a little better and it is nice to have as well. 

Another thing that is near and dear to me is the Great Dane health survey, this helps the GDCA research more health things that are starting/already are running rampant in the Dane genetics and hopefully come up with some markers to work with to prevent these issues in the future. 

"Information from JP Yousha of Chromadane: 
As some of you may know, OFA/CHF offers a free online health & welfare survey to CHIC breeds like ours. For the past year I have been working with Eddie Dzuik & Robin Nuttall to produce such a survey for the Great Dane. This is now active & I invite all Dane owners to go to this link & answer the survey for each Dane they have owned:
These online surveys do have their limitations, bear in mind. They must be formatted to avoid text answers and only certain parameters, a certain length (which restricted the number of questions) are possible; so certainly not every issue of all will be addressed with complete satisfaction. Plus there isn't true scientific rigor when it comes to the sample being unbiased. That said, I do feel the major issues and areas are addressed adequately. And given we get a large enough number of respondents, we should at least be able to "take the breed's temperament" (so to speak) as to majors concerns of health & welfare. This will both allow to better direct research where choices exist, help with education efforts where relevant, and even provide the basis for a more formal health survey. 
It's been more than a decade since a health survey has been done on our breed. This one is free, another pioneering program offered by OFA. Note please I insured this survey is open to ALL Danes worldwide , not just AKC Danes. So please take the time to fill out the survey. Thank you. "jp"

And now back to our regular scheduled programming!! Cookies to all those that read that info, even more cookies for those who submit DNA samples and to those that fill out the health survey (which literally takes 5 minutes, you all should have that amount of time to spare. 

See, cookies!! That cookie is what I was using to bribe him to look at the camera today, the power of food to this boy is amazing!

Oh Hi there! Look at me, I've got hair now and I'm not itching or stinking so super silky soft for snuggling and cuddling. 

The nice thing about BC is that even though it is the middle of February we have wonderfully sunny days now that I can hang out on the patio and snooze in the sun.

Nom nom nom! Finished one cookie now looking to the sky for my second cookie! 

Yup, that is one hairy scabless stink free neck that you're looking at, all real 100% pure blue dane hair. Certified by none other than the AMAZING Festerooni himself!

Somewhat of a far back photo to get his body in, again cookies are fantastic bribery!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Day Fifty-Five

Well, this week there isn't too much more progress to report other than more hair and longer hair and non-existant itchies. I'd say over the past almost two months that Festus is a totally different dog. He is a healthy looking dog, he is a dog that doesn't itch, he is a dog that is back to being an in your face momma's boy follow you EVERYWHERE dog. All of the above make me smile more than anyone would believe.

The past little while people have asked "Why??". Why would you spend so much money on a dog? It's just a dog, you could spend your money on other things. Well, until you've had a dog that means the world to you, you'll never know the why. Why I do it is that he is the world to me, the love that you get from a dog is like nothing else. They are always happy to see you, they know when you're having a rough day and when you just need them to be around. When you just need them to snuggle. All they ask in return is for you to love them right back.

There aren't many close ups this week, only two. But for your viewing enjoyment I've also included photos of both dog's trip to the park today to play fetch. The simple things in life that make them happy.

Fuzzy neck!! Look at that luxurious hair that has grown in. Only fifty-five days of the cyclosporine and he is far surpassing any of the hopes I had for him to be at this point in his treatment. 

Belly shot, he wasn't wanting to be too cooperative with me today for getting the on the side shot today so we'll suffice with under the armpits. 

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! We have lift off. Maybe with those lips he is hoping to fly somewhere.

His annoying sister trying to play interference while he was running for the ball. Sidney has NO interest what so ever in the ball, she'll run to it when he does then just stand there like WTF do you want me to do with this thing!

He runs full force to the ball skids to a stop then quickly spins around to get the ball as he ALWAYS overshoots where the ball actually is. 

Trying to play interference and ends up getting SLAMMED into.... She is almost 8, lived with Festus for 4 years now and STILL doesn't know that he is like a freight train and can't always stop in time if she decides to cut him off... 

War wound of slobber!! This is a totally regular occurrence for her, this is one of his finer pieces of artwork that he's left on her face. Poor Sidney, always getting the short end of the stick.

Weeee! Again, look it's a ball and Festus is going to get it, Sidney is closing in on him and as you'll see in the next two photos she caught up to him.

Sidney telling Festus a secret.... I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU THERE!!!

And again.... She's not so successful in the cutting her brother off... 

Until next time - Woofs and Slobbers!!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Day Forty-Eight

I know I know I'm a week late in the update, I was super busy last weekend. First off there has been continued improvement with Festus. His hair is getting longer and coming in super soft. The old hair that he did have though is coming out, he is blowing coat!! Geesh, I had totally forgotten what this was like until recently again. His boxer sister Sidney blows coat but not nearly as noticeable as when a dane does it. I have dane hair EVERYWHERE!!

Festus has had one little setback since we've started this treatment with the cyclosporine which is my fault as I missed one dose and man the next day he was itchy! So we popped down some chlor-tripolon and he was good as new again within a few hours. This time it only took one dose of the antihistamines and he was good, before he used to have to take a few doses before you would notice anything of a difference. Even though he is on every other day for the Cylclosporine, that one dose missed mistake sure won't happen again. I now have an alarm set on my phone to go off every 48 hours.

Today due to the weather being so cold and the heat on we've been battling some dry skin and such with both the dogs so it was change all the bedding, and bath day!! YIPEE! Well perhaps Sidney is still cursing me, and Festus has since long forgotten the bath (he takes them like a champ doesn't phase him), I'm still saying YIPEE as their hair is soooo soft, and they smell OH SO GOOD!! I finally picked up some Chris Christiansen Day to Day Conditioner (meant to pick up the shampoo too but they didn't have any) and it sure does a good job at leaving a nice soft clean scent and super soft hair behind. Next time I'm at that store I'll have to remember to pick up the shampoo if they have it in stock. Lately I've been using the microtek shampoo on Festus (which I did again today) and using up what I have left of the earth bath mango tango for Sidney. I'm not too much of a fan of the earth bath as I don't find it leaves them as soft as they should be and takes forever to rinse out even when diluted.

I should also note here, someone asked me the other day about his breeder. I did advise them against purchasing a puppy from them as his problems are genetic. Although, this person still went ahead with the purchase of the puppy (actually had the puppy before they talked to me, although they initially said at first they were looking at one and put a deposit down). I strongly suggest to those looking for a dane (or any puppy for that matter) to ensure their health clearances are done of the parents/grandparents and listed on OFA and TALK to other puppy buyers, talk to a lot of them, the more the better. Also check out Rip Off Report to see if they have any complaints lodged against them as well. It is also important to continue the lines of communication with your breeder if you end up with a dog with health issues so that they are made aware of them. Even if they continue to breed the dogs that produced yours with issues, then it is on their conscious and not yours. I know that Fesuts' mom has been bred again, as well as his littermate sister, and his half sister on his mom's side. On his Dad's side, there has been a lot of puppies sired by him, as well as a lot of puppies of his that have gone to produce their own. There is another dane out there that suffers from allergies as well, although not as bad as Festus', she still suffers. Her grandpa is Festus' daddy.

Ok time for pictures, there aren't many this week as it is now dark outside and well, the lighting in my house isn't all that good for photos.

Close up of his neck, look at the puppy soft hairs that are coming in and the neck skin isn't swollen and angry from itching. That little white speck in the middle there, that will never have hair as he had a biopsy of his skin taken there at one point. Biopsy = scar so that one speck I can totally live with! Best part ever, you all ready for this, you can PET IT and he doesn't go into an itching frenzy!! Total success in the progress on that one. Before you couldn't touch it or put a collar on him without him wanting to scratch it off. Now he wears his collars with pride once again. 

Elbow, if you look really closely (ahem, click on the photo to make it BIG) you can see the puffy skin is shrinking down and some fuzzy wee hairs are poking through! Again a major accomplishment for him to have some hair there and not puffy skin.

This is Festus' all to famous, you going to give me that cookie yet, or am I going to have to jump up and down being impatient and let out some boots.... Patience has never been one of his strong suits at all. 

Post cookie, now just totally not caring about the camera as his tummy has been satisfied once again. 

Until next week where I will have much better photos available for everyone's viewing pleasure!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Day Thirty-Three

Lets start with a photo this week. We are both SOOOOOO HAPPY today and let me tell you why.... Festus is looking almost normal. If you saw him on the street you would have no idea all the problems he has. No idea what so ever!! This past week he has made leaps and bounds in progress it has made me smile from ear to ear these past few days. He has also been so happy as well running around the house causing havoc all the time. Wanting to go out, wanting attention, wanting to steal things off the counters (NAUGHTY NAUGHTY BOY) which at this moment we don't really care. It is such an amazing treat to see him act this way. 

Sup Ladies.... Look at my sexy blue fur that is growing in! I'm even shedding all my old nasty hair and this soft soft hair is coming in. My momma tells me it is so nice to snuggle at night in bed now that my hair isn't pokey! 

Festus' neck is no longer bald and red! It is FUZZY! While the hair may still be short it is coming in soft, I can't wait to see what this is going to look like in another month. If the progress remains this good he'll finally be able to go and visit all the little old ladies at the hospital and get spoiled rotten with massive amounts of attention and possibly knitted gifts. 

Oh Hi there, aren't I just a cute little (big) fellow. Got any cookies that I can eat??

Even his belly hair is coming in and some of the skin tags are shrinking. 

Boxer sisters, they like to totally photobomb!! This is supposed to be all about me but somehow she totally weasels into the blog posts... Don't know what I'm going to do about that one.

Yet another photobomb but I'm tired now and must sleep, can't even make it to my bed. Before these photos mom and dad had me running to get my ball at the park. Geesh, I just wish they would stop throwing it away causing me to go and get it. One of these days perhaps they'll learn not to throw it away as I will just plain give up going to get it for them. Oh who am I kidding, it is too much of a fun game for me to play and keep myself amused. If only the brown one would stop chasing me causing me to run over her little butt.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Day Twenty-Five

Festus has almost been on the cyclosporine now for an entire month!! He is doing phenomenal on it as well. We can pet him all over his body and he doesn't feel the need to itch about 90% of the time which is a massive improvement over 25 days ago in which touching him would get those hind legs moving and itching like a mad man. I am beyond happy with the improvements that he has made. Hopefully by spring he will be able to go and visit the little old ladies at the hospital as it would just make their day!

He has been much more cuddly lately and just well, much more personable in his day to day life. He is getting excited over the simplest things again meal time, walk time, car time, well anytime really he has gotten just SUPER BOUNCY!! He zooms around the house zooms around the yard, tries to zoom around on the leash. He is making me laugh more and more everytime I turn around he is actin a fool.

Time for my close up! 

His elbow area isn't red anymore and is softening up. Less callously and hair is starting to fill in a bit there.

Close up of his neck/belly area. What used to be red and angry looking along with scabs is back to skin colour with little bits of pink. No scabs are present, no crusty skin either. HUGE improvement over from where he first started. 

Sorry for the shadow but this is a good overall shot of him sitting showing now there is hair that is slowly starting to fill in for him. Waiting for a treat to be thrown at him which he only catches about 1 our of every 50 or so. He gives the college effort though and at least makes the attempt every time always in slow motion which makes me giggle. Not sure if he does this on purpose to make me smile at him and tell him how silly he is or if it is just him. To catch or not to catch that is the question!

Closer up and a bit brighter of his belly.

Got daddy to help with this one to get him to stretch his neck up for a full under the chin shot. What a bit of freeze dried cheddar can do. Simply magic!

Different belly angle, decided to lay on the ground under him to get the shot. What do we see here ladies and gentlemen, I do believe that is some hair!

Moooom please put down the camera now and just pay attention to me!

Winks for the ladies!! Until next week big slobbers ~Festus