Saturday, 12 January 2013

Day Thirty-Three

Lets start with a photo this week. We are both SOOOOOO HAPPY today and let me tell you why.... Festus is looking almost normal. If you saw him on the street you would have no idea all the problems he has. No idea what so ever!! This past week he has made leaps and bounds in progress it has made me smile from ear to ear these past few days. He has also been so happy as well running around the house causing havoc all the time. Wanting to go out, wanting attention, wanting to steal things off the counters (NAUGHTY NAUGHTY BOY) which at this moment we don't really care. It is such an amazing treat to see him act this way. 

Sup Ladies.... Look at my sexy blue fur that is growing in! I'm even shedding all my old nasty hair and this soft soft hair is coming in. My momma tells me it is so nice to snuggle at night in bed now that my hair isn't pokey! 

Festus' neck is no longer bald and red! It is FUZZY! While the hair may still be short it is coming in soft, I can't wait to see what this is going to look like in another month. If the progress remains this good he'll finally be able to go and visit all the little old ladies at the hospital and get spoiled rotten with massive amounts of attention and possibly knitted gifts. 

Oh Hi there, aren't I just a cute little (big) fellow. Got any cookies that I can eat??

Even his belly hair is coming in and some of the skin tags are shrinking. 

Boxer sisters, they like to totally photobomb!! This is supposed to be all about me but somehow she totally weasels into the blog posts... Don't know what I'm going to do about that one.

Yet another photobomb but I'm tired now and must sleep, can't even make it to my bed. Before these photos mom and dad had me running to get my ball at the park. Geesh, I just wish they would stop throwing it away causing me to go and get it. One of these days perhaps they'll learn not to throw it away as I will just plain give up going to get it for them. Oh who am I kidding, it is too much of a fun game for me to play and keep myself amused. If only the brown one would stop chasing me causing me to run over her little butt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is fantastic!! I'm doing the happy dance (which is causing Rio to look at me funny LOL)! He's looking great and the fact he's acting so happy just tickles me to no end. Yay Festus! Before too long he's gonna be making a LOT of ladies happy with his visits.
